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5 Messages for Prodigals from the heart of our Father

Oct 11, 2023

The greatest gift to humanity is the Fatherhood of God—our heavenly Father. Our godly, earthly fathers get their traits from Him.

There’s no greater proof of God’s goodness as our Father than the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. Here are some wonderful things from that parable that reveal the nature of our Father God. These are five messages that come from the heart of our Father in heaven to every prodigal.

  1. He gives to us freely when we ask. When the younger son asked for his inheritance, his father gave it to him freely and unconditionally (Luke 15:12).
  2. He shows compassion when we fail. Verse 20 tells us that the father was filled with compassion when he saw his son coming afar off.
  3. We can never stray so far that He won’t gladly receive us again. You younger son had squandered everything on wild living. Yet his father was overjoyed to have him home (Luke 15:20).
  4. Even when we feel guilty and unworthy, He gives us the best. The younger son told his father he was no longer worthy to be called his son. But his father put the best robe on him, a ring on his finger, shoes on his feet, and even killed the fatted calf for a celebration! (Luke 15:21-23)
  5. He loves us unconditionally—even when we are being brats! The older son had a fit because he felt as though he was more deserving because of his works. His father told him that he was with him always, and everything he had was the elder son’s as well (Luke 15:29-31).

Come home prodigal, your Father loves you.


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