How do you get closer to the Holy Spirit?

May 7, 2024


Watch the video to hear Barry’s full answer on how to get closer to the Holy Spirit

Teaching out of the Scripture, John 6:63, Barry Bennett answers the question, ‘How do you get closer to the Holy Spirit?’. If you’ve been desiring to get to know the Holy Spirit within you but have not been sure how to go about that then this Charis Minute is a must-watch for you.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Barry Bennett

How do you get closer to the Holy Spirit?

What does Scripture show us?

In John 6:63 it says,

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

If Scripture tells us that flesh profits us nothing then we can learn from that to get closer to the Holy Spirit we cannot do it in the flesh. This verse also points to the nature of God’s words. His Word is spirit and it is life. How do we get closer to the Holy Spirit? The answer is to get into the Word of God.

You get deeper into the Word to get closer to the Holy Spirit. You stay in the Word. I know I’m being repetitive here, but this is the only way, folks. You’ve got to be in the Word day and night. You’ve got to meditate on the Word as you’re working, as you’re driving. I listen to teachings when I drive. I have my Bible with me everywhere I go. As I go, I’m flipping open the pages and searching things.

Where do I start in the Bible to get closer to the Holy Spirit?

If I don’t know where to start and read, I’ll just go to my favourite verses and start there and read those. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a verse. If you’d like to learn more about identifying the voice of God, click here on this article about how to identify the voice of God.

how do you get closer to the Holy Spirit teaching scripture

In addition to getting deeper into the Word of God, I pray in the Spirit and I worship in the Spirit. As I’m staying full of the Word, His words are what? Spirit and life. As I’m staying in the Word, I am being filled with the Spirit, or I am being closer, as you put it, to the Spirit. I’m being filled with His life. I can live an overcoming life in that way, an abundant life.

How do I get closer to the Holy Spirit I read the word

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