Am I Healed When I Am Saved?

Oct 1, 2024


Watch the video to hear Carrie’s full answer on the question, ‘Am I healed when I am saved?’

If we’re not careful, healing and the thought of being healed can just start to become one of those Christian phrases that we kind of tucked away and say, Amen, Amen. But we actually don’t know where to find Scriptural references, and we don’t have a revelation of it.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Carrie Pickett

Talking about salvation, when we ask God for forgiveness, we don’t ask and then wait for the manifestation of it. We believe we are forgiven. Now, are there things that you still need to let go of? Yeah, but to God, He’s like, ‘what are you talking about? I threw it into the sea of forgetfulness.’

Healing is part of the atonement. Healing is part of our salvation.

As far as the east is from the west, you’ve been forgiven. So when sickness tries to come near you, you can be like, excuse me, as far as the east is from the west, I rebuke you. You’re not allowed near my home. You’re not allowed in my body. You’re not allowed in my children, my family.

am i healed when i am saved scripture reference

As you celebrate your salvation, celebrate your healing! In Psalm 103:2-3 it says,

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,

God forgives us of all our iniquities and even the stupid stuff we choose to do with our bodies. For where we have run it down, or maybe shot something into ourselves. Some people may say, ‘Well that’s just me, and the effects of taking drugs, and I have to live with those consequences.’

No! God heals consequences!

Am I healed of all diseases when I am saved?

The Scripture says He heals ALL our diseases. It doesn’t say just a few. It’s amazing how sometimes we will categorise sickness as if some are healed and some are not.

When I was in Bible College, this absolutely revolutionised my life when Andrew said, ‘For God healing a headache or healing cancer, there’s no difference.’

I am celebrating I am healed when I am saved

Scriptures about Jesus’ ministry of healing

Matthew 12:15 says,

But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.

Matthew 4:23 says,

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

Luke 6:19 says,

And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.

Matthew 9:35 says,

Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.


So what happens when I saved but experience being sick?

We fight with peace because there’s a dynamic that once you know the truth, there’ll be things that try to come back on your body or come back to your heart, come back to your feelings, and that’s when you begin to fight with what?

The Prince of Peace. [see Isaiah 9:6]

Do you know why you can fight with peace? Because the battle’s already won. That’s why you can fight with peace.

You can say, ‘No, no no no, I rebuke this. You’re not stealing my peace. I know what I have. I know who gave it to me. I know it belongs to me and I know I have the power to kick the enemy in the but!

Sometimes when you look around and see a lot of sickness and disease the enemy’s trying to steal your hope. And you got to be able to say, ‘oh no, I’m one of the all. It’s mine’

I have quite a rough past, so am I healed when I am saved?

If you’re seeking healing but worried about your past, listen: Every disease, every sickness, every demonic thing, and every impossible situation is dealt with by Jesus.  There’s no categories of sin or sickness that Jesus hasn’t dealt with. God took care of it all. So no matter what your past looks like or where you came from, if you’re wondering, ‘Am I healed when I am saved?’ The answer is absolutely. Healing is available for you today.


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