Why Can’t I Hear God After I Have Asked Him Something?

Oct 22, 2024


Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer to the question, ‘Why Can’t I Hear God After I Have Asked Him Something?’

What do you do when you have asked God to speak to you or to show His will for you but you perceive that nothing happens? You may have felt like you’ve asked, and now you’re waiting for an answer and wondering how long you might have to wait to hear the answer.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Andrew Wommack

Matthew 7:7 says,

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

So any idea that you’ve asked and haven’t received is just plain wrong in light of what Scripture shows us. Let me give you an example through story which might highlight what really is going on.

why can't i hear God is my life too noisy

I was in Washington, D.C and I was walking along the mall and it’s a gravel surface, which is why I was shocked to not be able to hear my footsteps. With such a surface I had expected to hear every footstep. After I left Washington I went out to Shenandoah National Park, and I walked on the Appalachian Trail. I had tennis shoes on, walking along this trail, and every step was echoing. It was so loud and I remember thinking, ‘What’s the difference between here and Washington?’

The difference was the ambience. When I was in Washington, there were planes, cars, and people travelling and talking everywhere. So my steps were making noise but it was being drowned out. When I got on the Appalachian Trail, there wasn’t anything to compete with my footsteps, and so they were perceptively loud.

why can't i hear God scripture reference

God is speaking and if you are His sheep, and you aren’t hearing and wondering ‘why can’t I hear God’, it’s because it is being drowned out by something.

It could be your own thoughts. Most of the time we let the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust of other things come in and choke the Word. Whatever it ends up being, start from the Word of God. If you ask anything according to His will, He hears you and He answers your prayer. First John 5:14-15 says,

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

The problem is not with God. If you will get yourself still and just shut off everything, go on a fast, which is more than doing without food. It’s fasting from things that occupy you. Turn off all the things and put yourself in focus to the presence of the Lord, worship Him, and you’ll hear from God.

Why can’t I hear God? Have you been obedient to what He told you last?

Sometimes, God asks us to do something, and we do not want to do it. Your obedience to what God has last said to you will bring about further direction. <strong>God can lead you into the next when you’re obedient to the now.</strong> This is something you can check in with God through prayer and ask Him if there’s anything you haven’t obeyed Him in. Obedience could be the very door you have to walk through before the next direction comes. 

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