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An Adventure with the Way-Maker

Dec 6, 2021

Have you ever felt God calling you to do something that made no sense in the natural?

That’s how it was for Selena and Jason Snyder.

My husband and I felt called to Colorado, so we packed up our RV and headed here from Georgia. We didn’t know about Charis Bible College, but we wanted to be a part of Andrew Wommack Ministries…. We thought that maybe we could volunteer at his church. We weren’t sure what to expect, we just really felt like God was calling us here. When we got here, we found out that Andrew didn’t actually have a church, but that he had founded a school,

says Selena.

The Snyders arrived during the summer, so the school was closed, but Selena began attending healing school. And every time she set foot day school, something extraordinary happened! 

Although they didn’t know about Charis before arriving in Colorado, they felt certain that the Lord had called them to enrol. 

The last weekend to enrol was approaching, and the Snyders didn’t have the tuition needed for both of them to enrol. Jason had a job but had not gotten his first check, and it was only going to be around $300. 

They had an old van with 350,000 miles they were trying to sell on Craigslist. They had it listed for $1500 but had not had a single call in two weeks. 

One morning, Selena said to the Lord,

Father, I really want to go to Charis, but we really need financial help.

The minute she said it, she heard,

Relist the van for $2600.

Selena called Jason and told him what the Lord had said.

Jason replied,

That wasn’t the Lord. It couldn’t have been. We haven’t gotten one single call at $1500!

Selena convinced him to try it for a few days, and it sold that weekend for $2300, giving them the money for tuition!

After tuition, this left them with $600 ($300 from the van, plus Jason’s check) and nothing to drive….

Normally, $600 vehicles aren’t worth looking at, but Selena found one with 147,000 miles that had been in an accident. The ad said the brakes were locked up and that it wouldn’t run, but Selena felt the Lord leading her to buy that one, regardless of what the ad said.

By faith, they took a cab to meet the owner, paid him, and drove it right home with no problems! The brakes worked fine. The Snyders drove it their entire first year at Charis with no problems! 

Selena says,

I am learning that when I hear God’s voice, I go. You have to take a step of faith, and leave your comfort zone. God wants you to know that you aren’t limited by a comfort zone. If He is calling you into the deep, dive in—it’s time for an adventure with your heavenly Father.

Change your life, Change the world


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