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Brazil – A Trip of Firsts

Feb 3, 2023

My mission trip to Brazil through Charis Bible College was a trip of firsts—my first mission trip, first time on a commercial airplane, taking a boat ride, snorkeling in the Blue Lagoon, enjoying a mocha latte, eating Acai sherbet, giving a testimony and teaching in a foreign country, visiting rehabs and an orphanage, seeing the “Christ the redeemer statue” first hand, and working and living so close to my teammates!
It was also the first time for me to be away from my husband and 3 children. To be so far away from my family for 12 days was a concern for me, but the Lord assured me I could trust Him with my babies. God is faithful. They were all amazing and even gave mommy a welcome home party!
My hope was that I would return home knowing what I was created for—that it would have a name or title, but what I learned was that I have LOVE to give to everyone, everywhere. God’s love has been shed abroad in my heart, and I can freely give what I’ve freely received. LOVE never fails! 
I was blessed to lead a young man to the Lord. That’s what life is all about—dark turned to light in a moment’s time. Amazingly, though we spoke different languages, the Spirit bore witness with him, and he became part of God’s family.
Group image from Brazil
Even though I was okay to stay in the background and never touch a microphone (like really okay with that), everyone had to teach and share a testimony at least once. I shared several times and found that it’s truly the powerful Word of God that changes our lives and the lives of others. All the amazing things God has done for us, in us, and through us should be shared and not just remain hidden!

By stepping out, I gained the confidence that it is really the Holy Spirit who does the work.

I brought water shoes as requested, and in a sweet, personal moment, gave them to a young girl. That night as I laid down, the Lord reminded me of my little girl, now 11. Since she was 5, we’ve partnered with James Robinson’s Christmas Shoe Project.

I couldn’t wait to tell her of the joy on that child’s face upon receiving the shoes! When I got home, I shared with her that in heaven, there will be many that thank her for her heart to give.

The freedom in the rehabs was unexplainable; the orphanage still has a piece of my heart; the Lord divinely protected us, and the list goes on. In each and every aspect of this life-changing trip, God was faithful! 
Group image from Brazil
I’m so grateful to God, Andrew Wommack, Charis Bible College, our leads, our hosts, and my team! We will never be the same, and that’s a good thing!
This blog was written by Charis student, Cindy Shaffer from Charis Bible College Colorado


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