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What to Do Between Amen and Aha

What to Do Between Amen and Aha

If you are believing God for things that have yet to happen, be encouraged today. Believing is what we do; it’s who we are. God often tells us what He will do, but He very seldom tells us when He will do it. We can’t necessarily make the promises of God come to pass,...
How to beat depression and fear

How to beat depression and fear

Jesus was able to endure because He had a vision of joy (Heb. 12:2). The joy of the Lord was His strength! He was looking beyond the temporal and into the reality of what His suffering was going to accomplish for all. You may or may not know the source of your...
Living by Fate or Faith?

Living by Fate or Faith?

Years ago in England, my wife discovered a baby bird that had fallen from its nest onto our path. The poor thing had just hatched and looked like a spot of jelly staining the sidewalk! My wife asked me to clean it up before our boys started using it as a torture...
All Things Are Possible If You Believe

All Things Are Possible If You Believe

What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:23 [NLT] When Jesus said, “Anything is possible” He meant it! You don’t have to have a supernatural gift of any kind. I’ve seen miracles, but I don’t have...
3 Powerful Keys to Turn Your Lack into More than Enough

3 Powerful Keys to Turn Your Lack into More than Enough

There is no better example of turning little into more than enough than when Jesus fed thousands with a small amount of food. Jesus was and still is God as part of the Trinity, but He came to the earth as a man. Every miracle He performed was done as a man with the...
Same Bread—Different Vision

Same Bread—Different Vision

Did you know that you have all the resources you need to change your destiny on the inside of you? In Matthew 14:15-20, we see the account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (plus women and children). The disciples told Jesus to send them away to get food, but Jesus said,...