God has faith! He is the Author of faith (Heb. 12:2). When we understand what faith is— Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen Heb. 11:1 then it is easy to see that all of creation is the substance and evidence of what God...
When we walk in love, we demonstrate the nature of God to others.When we walk in faith, we demonstrate His will. The kind of faith that pleases God works by love! (Gal. 5:6) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him...
I’m going to begin this by dropping a bombshell statement: Sin is no longer an issue with God; we are redeemed! Most people have heard that sin breaks your relationship or fellowship with God. The strictest message says that you lose your salvation (“backslide”) every...
Are we living our lives, following the will of our heavenly Father? Or are we living our lives, doing what others expect us to do? Many times, we allow the expectations of others to dictate our paths and our decision-making processes. That’s not what God’s...
The forgiveness of sin is a subject so many struggle with! While pastoring, I had more people ask me about forgiveness than almost any other subject. Forgiveness is a big gray area for most. It’s difficult for them to have peace because it’s difficult to believe God...
A true revelation of God’s Word is the single most important element of a victorious Christian life. The Word of God often refers to itself as a seed. I constantly meet Christians who pray and believe for God’s intervention in their lives, but remain frustrated with...