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An Eye-Opening Look at Divine Protection

An Eye-Opening Look at Divine Protection

As crime rates rise, terrorism looms and natural disasters increase around the world, we can say of the Lord, “He is my refuge, and He is my fortress!” Psalm 91 contains all-inclusive promises regarding protection. God made them, and He is able to keep them in your...
Faith Works By Love

Faith Works By Love

Satan tries to block the revelation of God’s love for us in many ways, but the most subtle and deadly way is deceiving us into thinking we have to do something to earn God’s love. Our faith hinges on it. We struggle to believe God’s promises will come to pass because...
The One Thing You Can Stake Your Life On

The One Thing You Can Stake Your Life On

Ethan Tomblin hated high school and thought that he would never go to college. But God… He was raised in a good Christian home, yet on his 18th birthday, Ethan was feeling that he had no worth. He had no idea what he was here for, and he didn’t believe God was who He...
Worth More than Sparrows

Worth More than Sparrows

Years ago in England, my wife discovered a baby bird that had fallen from its nest onto our path. The poor thing had just hatched and looked like a spot of jelly staining the sidewalk! My wife asked me to clean it up before our boys started using it as a torture...
We Have The Victory!

We Have The Victory!

Many people don’t know the truth about Satan’s defeat. In fact, many Christians are the very instrument the devil is using to foster the deception that he is still a powerful foe. Spiritual warfare is one of the hottest topics in the church today.  People are...