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Brazil – A Trip of Firsts

Brazil – A Trip of Firsts

My mission trip to Brazil through Charis Bible College was a trip of firsts—my first mission trip, first time on a commercial airplane, taking a boat ride, snorkeling in the Blue Lagoon, enjoying a mocha latte, eating Acai sherbet, giving a testimony and teaching in a...
Giving – a sign of maturity

Giving – a sign of maturity

I’ve been ministering a long time, I’ve seen people come and go. I’ve seen people who would shout and run with excitement over their giving one day, and gripe about an offering the next! You know what? I’ve found that a lot of people are a mile...
You showing up could be someone’s miracle

You showing up could be someone’s miracle

You being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and showing up where He wants you to be could be someone’s miracle. One of the prayer ministers at our Ministers Conference relayed this testimony from a pastor in Ecuador who was ready to give up and quit...
An open door

An open door

Over a year ago, I felt I was going to one-day serve in the Republic of Georgia. I did research on the area, so I now know quite a bit about this country. I kept this desire to preach in the Republic of Georgia to myself while I was in the Third Year Missions program,...
I was hungry and you gave me food

I was hungry and you gave me food

Twenty Charis Bible College students gave up their Thanksgiving Day holiday to minister the love of God to the homeless in Colorado Springs. Partnering with local pastor William Chancy of Grace Be Unto You Church, these students invited sixty-one homeless men, women,...
The One Thing You Can Stake Your Life On

The One Thing You Can Stake Your Life On

Ethan Tomblin hated high school and thought that he would never go to college. But God… He was raised in a good Christian home, yet on his 18th birthday, Ethan was feeling that he had no worth. He had no idea what he was here for, and he didn’t believe God was who He...