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Five Keys for 2022

Five Keys for 2022

What if I told you there some very doable ways to make 2022 spectacular? These ways come straight from God’s Word in Colossians 3, and once you realise that you are capable of every one of them, it becomes easy. The Word works! “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy...
Giving and receiving

Giving and receiving

How often have we felt under resourced, out of energy, lacking in talent, and with nothing left to give? The truth is that those feelings represent our flesh and natural thinking, not our spirit man. If we could only learn to live in the Spirit and from our re-created...
An Eye-Opening Look at Divine Protection

An Eye-Opening Look at Divine Protection

As crime rates rise, terrorism looms and natural disasters increase around the world, we can say of the Lord, “He is my refuge, and He is my fortress!” Psalm 91 contains all-inclusive promises regarding protection. God made them, and He is able to keep them in your...