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Does God allow us to suffer to humble us?

Feb 13, 2024

Does God allow you to suffer in order to humble you?

Watch this Charis Minute by Barry Bennett

No, God isn’t allowing you to suffer in the first place. What created suffering is Adam’s sin. When Adam and Eve sinned they unleashed darkness, corruption, death, sickness, suffering, and poverty. Everything that is wrong in this world was the result of one sin. God gave the Earth to Adam and Eve and by extension He gave the Earth to mankind. And so when God gave the Earth to man and man gave it over to sin and darkness, and the devil, God is going to respect that decision.

‘Healing’ is a big topic that Barry Bennett teaches in more detail at Charis Bible College. Click here to watch a sample of the course on healing, and click the link at the bottom of this article to learn more about Charis programs and enrolment.

No, God does not allow you to suffer. He is not the one allowing suffering to take place in your life.

Much of our suffering is the consequence of wrong decisions. And you’ve got to admit I’m right. I mean, we make dumb decisions many times and we suffer the consequences. That’s not God.

Other times it may be somebody coming against us and we suffer. Somebody made a bad decision and they ran into our car and caused a crash. That wasn’t my fault. It’s their fault, but I’m going to suffer the financial consequences of that perhaps.

If God doesn't allow us to suffer then why is there suffering in the world?

So suffering is part of the fallen world. God isn’t allowing it to humble you. But what God does say, is if you want to grow in humility, He says in 1st Peter 5:6,

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,

Who does the humbling? We do. We are to submit to God and check our own hearts. Make sure we’re not filled with pride, and He [God] will lift us up. So what does it look like to be lifted up? That’s a good question to leave you with.


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