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Former Disney Animator witnesses God’s Glory!

Feb 3, 2023

Did you know the glory of God is within you (Rom. 8:11)?

The Bible says it is “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). The glory of God has been broadcast throughout the whole earth through you and me—His temples (1 Cor. 6:19).

In the Bible, the phrase glory of God is used to express His presence, His life, and all the wonders that accompany the life-giving presence of God. And that is the glory former Disney animator Jimmy Davidson is sharing with everyone he meets!

Jimmy attended Charis’s inaugural Healing Is Here conference in 2014, and the miracles he witnessed proved to him that the Word of God meant what it said.

He quickly realised the power and glory he saw wasn’t meant just for him—he needed to share this!

When people meet me, they always want to talk about Disney and what I did there, but I just want to talk about Jesus!

Jimmy said in a recent interview.

Since then, he’s been taking the truth of God’s Word to the streets.

This year during Pentecost, I was in Manitou [Springs] and met a guy who wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I prayed with him, and he immediately began praising God in tongues. Then I felt the Spirit remind me of a word of knowledge I’d received that morning, so I asked the man if his knee was hurting. He began laughing and said he had asked God that morning to connect him with someone who could fix his knee.

Needless to say, the man was instantly healed.

This is the new normal

Charis worship leader and Healing School director Daniel Amstutz said.

We’ve been called to declare the glory of God—not just talk about it, but demonstrate it.


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