If healing isn’t for all, how can it be for any?
Our redemption was accomplished 2,000 years ago, and all of the benefits of that redemption became available at that time for all who believe. We have been freed from the power of sin and all of its manifestations, including sickness. We can find God’s heart to see His people healed in many scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments. God reveals Himself in one of His redemptive names as the God who heals us (Ex. 15:26).
God’s nature cannot change, so if He was a healer before the Law and under the Law, how much more under grace?
Isaiah prophesied and Peter confirmed that by Jesus’ stripes we were healed (Isa. 53:4-5 and 1 Pet. 2:24). In other words, forgiveness exists for all, whether they receive it or not. The price was paid. And thus, healing is also available to all, though many do not take advantage of it.
Jesus commissioned the church to heal the sick (Mark 16:18), and we see the early church walking in this power. Jesus gave gifts of healing to the church (1 Cor. 12). James asked if any among the church were sick (James 5:14). The very question implies that there should be no sick among us, and the necessary steps to receive healing are given. We need to stir ourselves up to resist the work of the Enemy in our bodies. Just as we appropriate His grace to walk in holiness, let’s appropriate His grace to walk in health!
Barry Bennett
Charis Instructor