Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer on how do I find my purpose in life
Having a life purpose gives life meaning. So many of us at one time or another come to the question, ‘Is there a purpose for my life and if so, how do I find it?’ In this Charis Minute, Andrew Wommack makes it clear and simple for us about God’s plan for our life and how we discover it.
Is knowing my purpose in life important?
You need to find out what God created you for. Ask God, ‘What is your purpose for my life?’ God has a purpose for every one of you.
Do I have a purpose in life if my parents said I was a mistake?
No, you’re not a mistake. God knew you and had plans for you before you were in your mother’s womb.
Is God’s plans for my life going to be good?
I can guarantee you God’s plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. Now, that doesn’t mean that He forces it to come to pass. But He has a plan for every one of you.Â
Ephesians chapter five says, don’t be ignorant, but understand what the will of the Lord is. That instruction is just real plain and simple to see that we are to seek out our purpose in life by discovering God’s will for us. It’s not hard. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist.
So what do I say to God to ask about my life’s purpose?
If you would just open up heart and say,
God, I want to know your will and I want to fulfil your will for me more than I want you to fulfil my will and bless my things.
If you would seriously consider saying that then God would see your heart and I guarantee He will begin a process on the inside of you. You would literally then have to reject the Lord, and turn away from Him to keep from fulfilling His will for you.
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