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How Does Faith and Healing Work Together?

Feb 20, 2025


Watch the video to hear Carrie’s full answer on how faith and healing work together.

This Scripture gives an opportunity for faith and healing to work together. In Ephesians chapter two, in verse six, from the amplified classics, it says,

And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

When he talks about ‘He’, he’s talking about God.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Carrie Pickett
faith and healing working together scripture reference

Believing your positional identity in Christ for faith and healing to work together

Healing is your positional place. You’ve been seated in heavenly places with Christ. Faith and healing can work together as you believe you’ve been seated alongside Him and this is now your place of healing. This is now your place where you’re able to say, ‘This is mine.’ You have that virtue of being in Christ. You understand and agree with Colossians 1:27, which says,

To them God would make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

faith and healing working together when there is symptoms

How do faith and healing work together when I am seeing symptoms?

I don’t know what symptom you’re fighting with. I don’t know what has been difficult for so long. But you know what? There’s so much Word that is coming forth, there are revelations that get you to that place that you’re able to then have this heavenly perspective. From the aspect of grace, what God has provided, that you see the things that are unseen. You see the things that are natural, you see the things that are eternal, and you see the difference.

Right now you may have the perspective of, yeah, I’m seeing something in my body. I’m feeling something in my body. I’m hearing reports and declarations about my body, but I see something and I know something bigger, what is unseen.

How do faith and healing work with the unseen?

It’s a faith in what may be unseen in the natural right now, but I see the Word of God. And because I see the Word of God, it changes the way I view everything else. So now, when you look at yourself, you don’t look at yourself as weak and sick and broken. Bruised and lacking. Trauma and drama. That’s not how you look at yourself any longer. This is faoth and healing work together. Now, you look at yourself as

  • I’m healed.
  • I’m whole.
  • I’m forgiven.
  • I’m cleansed.
  • I’m strong.
  • I have a future.
  • I have a hope.

You look at yourself through the light of what is seen in the Word of God, not what is seen in the world. It’s not on the natural anymore. It’s on the eternal.
It’s on this Word of God. You get to respond to that Word. You get to respond when He says it is finished. (John 19:30)

What faith begins to do within your life

You can look at depression and say it is finished. You can look at sickness and disease and say, it is finished. You can look at the aches and pains and depression and mental issues and sickness and say it is finished. Why? Because now you’re having this joyful response, faith and healing are working together as faith declares the grace that’s been done. Because of what the great and intense and wonderful love with which He loved you. The cross that made you alive together in Christ Jesus. The positional identity of you is seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


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