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I was hungry and you gave me food

Oct 7, 2021

Twenty Charis Bible College students gave up their Thanksgiving Day holiday to minister the love of God to the homeless in Colorado Springs.

Partnering with local pastor William Chancy of Grace Be Unto You Church, these students invited sixty-one homeless men, women, and children to join them for Thanksgiving festivities at Christ Haven Lodge in Florissant, CO.

The men and women seemed completely dumbfounded,” student Susan Palmer says. “We had a time of praise and worship, a time in the Word, and a time of healing ministry while they were there. Many people asked for prayer and left completely healed. It was glorious!

Interspersed throughout the program, the students’ homeless guests enjoyed a bountiful meal and the love of “family” in a home-like atmosphere that touched their hearts.

One woman came with a broken foot but left walking pain-free. Another lady suffered from hip problems that caused a pronounced limp. She encountered the presence of God and walked out normally.

Others were saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit. One man with a broken arm complained of constant pain and loss of motion in his fingers. He was prayed for and began moving those fingers without pain!

Throughout the day, students took opportunities to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of those who answered the call to come for Thanksgiving.

When asked about the participants’ response, Susan remarks,

I don’t know who was more blessed—the sixty-one homeless who came or the twenty students serving. Honestly, I think we were!


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