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Is It Right To Correct People About The Word Of God?

Dec 19, 2024


Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer on Is It Right To Correct People About The Word Of God?

Andrew discusses the dynamics of authority and communication in the context of providing feedback or correction regarding interpretations of the Word of God. He emphasises the importance of understanding one’s position of authority in relationships before addressing others’ beliefs or actions.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Andrew Wommack

If we are in a group conversation regarding the Word of God and what their interpretation is we believe is wrong, do we speak the truth and correct them at all, whether in private or in a group? Well, it comes down to what kind of relationship you have with them. You have to understand whether you are in a position of authority and influence. Every person that you’re in a relationship with, whether you know it or not, you either have the authority to speak in their life or you don’t.

Is It Right To Correct People When In Conversation About The Word Of God if they haven’t given you authority?

That person has to give you this authority. You can’t demand it. When you have a relationship with people, as you get closer and closer, that person opens up and gives you the right to speak into their life. If they’ve done that, and if they are receptive and see you as a source of authority in their life, then yes, you should say something.

Is it right to correct people when in conversation about the Word of God?

Is It Right To Correct People About The Word Of God When In A Group Situation?

If you’re in a group conversation and these are total strangers, then you don’t necessarily have authority. But I would bring it up like this, if they were talking about some doctrinal issue, I’d say, “Well, you know, I don’t agree with that. I think that there is another side to that.” And they would either respond by saying, “Well, what do you what do you believe?” They just gave you the authority to speak.

But if they say, “No, you’re wrong it doesn’t mean that!” I’m not going to argue about it. So I evaluate every single situation with whether or not that person is submitted and receptive. If they are rejecting my authority, then I won’t do it.

Is it right to correct people when in group conversation about the Word of God?


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