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Is Your Faith Coming From The Right Source?

Jan 15, 2021

Men were created to believe and act upon words. We were specifically created to hear, believe and act upon God’s words. Hearing Him is the source of faith and life (Rom. 10:17, Mt. 4:4). Adam believed in God, but he didn’t believe God’s words. He chose to believe the words of the serpent.

God’s Word is meant to feed and stimulate the heart of man. God’s Word is a seed that can only produce fruit in the right environment. The right environment is the receptive human heart. 

Faith is the response of the heart to the influence of the Word.

Men will live by what they hear and choose to believe. All men have the capacity to believe words. Those who listen to the world will believe what the world believes and do what the world declares. That is their faith.

Fallen man has ignored the voice of God and the words of God. They are living by faith, but the faith that is of the world. When God’s Word finds a place in our hearts, our faith becomes alive to its true “Source” and begins to think, act and speak in agreement with God’s revelation to man. This is when true, abundant life begins.

True faith only comes from hearing the Word of God. Grace is God’s provision for every need. Faith is our response to that provision and its Source. Only the words you believe will decide if you live in His grace or in the world’s corruption. You may believe in God, but do you believe God?

“By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.” —Romans 5:2

Teachings from Charis Instructors


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