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Hybrid On-Campus

Charis Flexible Study image

Flexible Study and Purposeful Connection

Charis Hybrid On Campus provides a structure of consistency that hinges on the gathering of the student body to connect, fellowship and grow together in the foundational truths from God’s Word taught through Charis Bible College.

Lesson homework and tests will follow a strict schedule. Allow a minimum of 16 hours per week for study, exams and to complete practical requirements such as service hours, the bible reading plan, ministry hours, assignments and mission preparation. For Year 2 students, a mission trip is required.

Hybrid Saturdays attendance is required on the Gold Coast campus. On these days, students will interact and fellowship with one another, instructors and class facilitators in addition to completing the practical program requirements. Hybrid Saturdays run 2 Saturdays a month from 9:00am-3:30pm (AEST). Please refer to the Calendar for exact dates.

Charis Consistent Structure image

Consistent Structure, Flexible Schedule, Everyday Discipleship

Completed over one scholastic year and available for Charis 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year students on the Gold Coast Campus. The program is completed through a scheduled combination of full time independent study and in person connection on the Gold Coast campus.

Our Mission

Equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths, imparting Biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.

Frequently Asked Questions

For any further questions, please head to our Contact Us page and submit a contact form.

What is CHARIS Hybrid?

CHARIS Hybrid is a scholastic-year program that offers structured correspondence study and the experience of on-campus life. The scheduled lessons are independently viewed using the CHARIS Learning Management System. Students join together for on-campus days every two weeks on average.

When & Where are the On-Campus days?

CHARIS Hybrid on-campus days are on Saturdays from 9:00am-3:30pm at the Charis Gold Coast campus.

What do the On-Campus days look like?

Every two weeks, students come together on campus to participate in practical aspects of their year level program such as discussion groups, oral presentations, mission preparation, and leadership training.  Students also have the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with like minded believers, live worship, guest speakers, live teaching, and more.

What is the study load?

Please allow for a minimum of 16 hours weekly for independent at-home study in addition to Hybrid Saturdays on-campus days.

Are there additional book fees?

The only textbook at CHARIS is the Bible and each student must have a Bible (hardcopy or digital). King James Version, New King James Version, Amplified Version, or Modern English Version are recommended. Other Bible versions are also acceptable.

In addition to the Bible, some year level courses require extra reading. Year 2: 2 extra books, Year 3: 5 extra books. Some of these books are available to sign out through the on-campus CHARIS Library, otherwise, they can be purchased via hardcopy, digital copy, or audio book. Book lists are only supplied to enrolled students post orientation.

Course outlines are provided digitally to each student via the CHARIS Learning Management System. Please enquire for the option to purchase printed course outlines.

What are the technical requirements for CHARIS Hybrid?

Students will need a device and access to a stable internet connection in order to access the Learning Management System to view lessons and take exams. Please enquire for more details.

What is the cost of tuition?

Please click HERE for tuition fees.

When does CHARIS Hybrid begin annually?

Click here to see the upcoming academic calendar for Charis Hybrid.

How do I apply?

Simply complete our online application form and submit it together with the application fee, then wait for your application to be processed and approved!

Alternatively you can contact us on 07 5515 0554 for assistance or more information

Visit Us On Campus

Come visit us on campus and meet our staff. Please contact us to schedule an appointment and a member of the Charis staff would be happy to show you around.