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Student life

Visit us personally

If you are wondering what a day in the life of a Charis student is like, why not join us for a day and experience it yourself? We would love to welcome you. Please register your request to attend, by clicking one of the register buttons below so we can organise a time for you to come and see us.

Visit us at Charis Day School

Visit us at Charis Hybrid School

City of Goldcoast Logo

Gold Coast Information

To find out more about the city of Gold Coast. Please visit:

Shops image


Within walking distance of the College there is a fuel station and several cafes/fast food. We are located 5 km. from the city so you can easily get to town by bus.

Employment image


There are seven employment services in Nerang including, ETC, HET, TURSA, WISE, Busy At Work, NORTEC, and APM.


Visit for information about public transport on the Gold Coast. The closest train station is Nerang, but the college is not within walking distance from it.

There are airports at both Brisbane and Gold Coast. The Brisbane airport has a train that will take you to the Nerang train station. A proposed train link from Gold Coast airport is planned for the future.

Charis is a 30 minute drive from the Gold Coast airport, and a one hour drive from the Brisbane airport.


To find housing, the best resource is

For shared accommodation, try or

Select your requirements, and add any/all of the suggested suburbs listed below:
Nerang, Carrara, Merrimac, Mudgeeraba, Varsity Lakes, Gaven, Pacific Pines, Arundel, Helensvale, and Ashmore.

Accommodation Image
Accommodation Image
Student life image

Student life

It is our goal that every Charis student feels like they are a part of this family.

Each morning at school the students gather together for a chapel session where we worship together, share testimonies and encourage one another. We also organise occasional social events for us to get to know one other better.