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How Can You be a Doer of the Word?

How Can You be a Doer of the Word?

CHARIS MINUTES Watch the video to hear Carrie’s full answer to ‘How can you be a doer of the Word?’ What exactly does it mean to be a doer of the Word? In this Charis Minute, Carrie Pickett highlights the multiple ways of practically walking out the...
How to identify the voice of God

How to identify the voice of God

CHARIS MINUTES Watch the video to hear Barry’s full answer on how to identify the voice of God How can we distinguish the voice of God from our own voice? What is the voice of God like and can we recognise it? In this Charis Minute, Barry Bennett answers the...
Does God allow us to suffer to humble us?

Does God allow us to suffer to humble us?

Does God allow you to suffer in order to humble you? Watch this Charis Minute by Barry Bennett No, God isn’t allowing you to suffer in the first place. What created suffering is Adam’s sin. When Adam and Eve sinned they unleashed darkness, corruption,...
God Is Not the Variable

God Is Not the Variable

Why do some believers move from death to life, darkness to light, chaos to order, and depression to joy while other believers seem to continue in the misery of chronic failure and lives filled with drama and lack? Are we not all filled with the very presence and...
Put Your But in the Right Place!

Put Your But in the Right Place!

Have you heard the phrase ‘garbage in, garbage out?’ It really is true! What is in you is going to determine what comes out of you. Proverbs 23:7 is not just true for believers. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) As a man thinks in his...

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