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The Comeback Keys

Oct 24, 2022

Making a Comeback!

Everyone loves to see the underdog make a comeback and win. The determination to overcome is in us all. Science refers to this as natural selection, but we have an overcoming power that nature can’t account for—faith!

When I became a follower of Jesus, my life had been a series of obstacles. There were Goliaths I had lived with that needed to be slain. 

Jesus didn’t promise us that we wouldn’t face problems, but He did give us the solution to overcome them (John 16:33). Jesus, the ultimate Comeback King, viewed life from the other side of the cross. 

Here are two keys the Lord gave me to help me overcome:

1. Three days change everything.

At the crucifixion, it looked like all was lost and the devil had won. But three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and changed the course of history. Whatever the situation is, it will look different in three days. Responding hastily, out of reflex or fear, can cause a bigger mess. Time helps us see things in perspective. 

2. God is big enough to handle our emotions.

In times of pure emotion, we don’t think clearly. The Holy Spirit is our voice of reason and our guide.

He showed me to place everything from the situation in a box, close the lid, and then address it and mail it to Jesus. That is casting my cares upon the Lord! If I begin to dwell on those thoughts again, I picture that box, remembering that those feelings aren’t mine anymore. 

Jesus is the original Comeback King, and He lives in us. We have everything we need on the inside to be who He called us to be. If the devil sends any junk our way, we can just label it “Return to Sender”!

Article by Carlie Terradez


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