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What is the best way to pray when suffering?

Feb 5, 2025


Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer on what is the best way to pray when suffering the consequences of wrong choices made in one’s past.

If you’ve been asking yourself recently what is the best way to pray when suffering, then the recent Daily Live Bible Study by Andrew Wommack on a better way to pray is worth a watch. Andrew Wommack had been giving a Bible study on a better way to pray. He was encouraging people towards confidence in their approach to God,

There needs to be a godly attitude in prayer where you start from a position of a relationship with God, not begging him, but just drawing on all of the good things.

Andrew drew from Scripture to support his teaching on boldness being in our approach with prayer, using verses like  Hebrews 4:16

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

This boldness, Andrew taught, can be expressed through praise and acknowledgement for who God truly is, and the love He has towards us.

And you just start by saying, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. You don’t come in talking about what a mess you are. You come in talking about what a blessing He is, how awesome He is.

So what is the biblical or best way to pray when we are suffering the consequences?

Well, you need to pray for your crop failure because you reap what you sow and to some degree, you have to deal with that. You can’t just say, well through Jesus, you know I’ve gone out and robbed a bank, now I repent and I’m wrong, but God, I believe that I’m not going to get caught. I believe I won’t go to jail. I believe I’ll get off. No, sometimes you reap what you sow. So you have to just pray for the grace to be able to handle it. As you receive forgiveness and put your mind on the Lord, you could just have a wonderful relationship with the Lord, even if it is in your jail cell.

Bible College Australia Charis Instructor Andrew Wommack
what is the best way to pray when suffering physical conditions

What is the best way to pray when suffering in our health as a result of poor choices?

For instance, a lot of people have diabetes. Not all diabetes is caused by weight, but a tremendous amount of diabetes is caused by weight. If you’re praying for healing and yet you aren’t taking care of your body, well, then you’re going to hinder your own prayer. So you not only need to believe and receive your healing, but then you need to lose weight. You need to start exercising. You need to do some things, change some things. There’s a balance. It’s not all spiritual. Part of it is just natural.

what is the best way to pray when suffering injury

What is the best way to pray when suffering injury from an accident?

I had a guy come to me one time who was a construction worker, and he drove a concrete nail into the concrete, the nail broke and as he hit it, it bounced off the concrete. This nail came up and stuck in his eye. So he came to see me, and he had this concrete nail sticking out of his eye, and it was bleeding, and he was having pain. So I prayed over him and instantly the bleeding stopped and the pain was gone.

He then said, “I feel fine…”, but he still had a nail sticking out of his eye and I said, well, “I believe you’re healed and it was supernatural, but you got to get this nail taken out. Do you want me to pull it out or do you want the doctor to pull it out?” He said, “I think I’ll go to a doctor.”

In this instance of someone suffering injury from an accident, the best way to pray was to ask God boldly, in faith, for healing and the removal of the pain, but then to go and get professional help for the nail to be removed. It’s not just all spiritual or all-natural. It’s a combination sometimes. Sometimes you pray and believe God to heal you of something, but then you also take care of your body.

what is best way to pray when suffering sore back from being overweight

What is the best way to pray when suffering a sore back from being overweight?

You know, I’ve prayed with people before that had back pain and they were 100 pounds overweight. If you’re 100 pounds overweight, you’re going to have back pains and that’s not the devil. Maybe the devil inspired you to let yourself go that way.

I carry feed sacks all the time and they’re usually 50 pounds. If I had two feed sacks strapped to my middle and I had to walk around, and when I slept, I had to have those things on me. I guarantee you I’d have back problems. So if somebody came to me with two feed stack sacks strapped to their middle and said, “I’ve got back problems, would you pray for me?” I’d say, “yeah, I’ll pray for you, but I would unloose the feed sacks and let them drop to the ground. And then I pray.”

Similarly, I think sometimes we need to pray and say, “Father, I’m receiving my healing, forgive me for abusing my body, but I’m not going to sit here and do these things anymore.” 


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