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What to Do Between Amen and Aha

Sep 11, 2023

If you are believing God for things that have yet to happen, be encouraged today. Believing is what we do; it’s who we are.
God often tells us what He will do, but He very seldom tells us when He will do it. We can’t necessarily make the promises of God come to pass, but we can believe them until they happen. Don’t resent the process; learn to appreciate it. Don’t give up. Don’t stop believing. It’s not too late!
Joseph is a great example of faith and patience. Everything in his life went wrong. Everyone he had ever trusted had betrayed him. No one was pulling for him for most of his life. 
Rather than allowing life to damage him emotionally and becoming crippled by circumstances, he believed God’s promise. He ran with vision, and everything that happened to him prepared him for the future.

Don’t give up on the promises God has made to you!


Run with a vision, and live with a purpose, even if you have a dead-end job, and no one believes in you. God is the promoter, and God is the rewarder.  When God causes promotion, no one can stop it!

Abraham believed God’s promise that he would have a son in his old age. He was 75 when God spoke to him, and he believed the promise for 25 years! We still look to Abraham as an example of the God kind of faith. Not because he had a son at 100 but because he believed it for 25 years. Those years are precious to God. It honours Him when we believe the promises. Your life takes on new meaning when you are believing promises that look impossible. You march to the beat of a different drummer!

Remind yourself of the promises God has made to you, and get back in the business of faith. It’s the family business!

Greg Fritz

Greg Fritz

Charis Instructor


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