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Where Is The Presence of God Found Today?

Dec 9, 2024


Watch the video to hear Daniel’s full answer on where is the presence of God found today.

The Lord desires for us to willingly accept and receive His presence and to extend it to others without reservation. Therefore, the question that reasonably follows is, ‘Where is His presence accessible in today’s world?’. In this Charis Minute, Daniel Amstutz explores the various dimensions of God’s presence and identifies where it can be found and experienced.

Charis Bible College Australia instructor Daniel Amstutz

Many would say the presence of God can be found everywhere

Cambridge dictionary defines ‘omnipresent‘ as, “present or having an effect everywhere at the same time”. So we find this idea in Psalm 139 where David talks about, Lord, where would I go to get away from you. If I went to the highest heaven or to the lowest low, You would be there. Well, that was true, and it is true, and it was true for us before we got born again.

We weren’t born again because of the omnipresence of God

But you know what? We weren’t born again because of the omnipresence of God. We were born again because we received what Jesus did for us that nobody else could do so we could take on a brand new identity. And we at that point received what Jesus did, and His presence became an abiding presence.

where can the presence of God be found today scripture reference

So now we are born again, where is the presence of God found?

We become a brand new creation that our human spirit has become brand new and Galatians chapter four, verse six says,

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”


Where is the presence of God found? God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts.

where is the presence of God found today thought piece

So, to answer the question of where the presence of God can be found today, all because of God’s grace and what the Lord has done for us in Christ, He is dwelling in us!

So we’ve got the omnipresence that’s everywhere. We now have the abiding presence because of what Jesus did for us. Then there’s another multifaceted part of the presence of God and that is when the presence of God that’s in us, the abiding presence, becomes the manifested presence from us. This is what Jesus said in John chapter seven, verse 38,

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

The abiding presence that in us, Jesus says, out from that place is going to flow these rivers of living water. When you think about the manifested presence of God, it’s a pretty big deal. What’s in us, God has designed for that to manifest from us. He wants every one of us to be cooperating with him in the earth today.

If we are asking where can the presence of God be found because we believe that the presence of God is only found out there somewhere, and we’ve got to call it in, then you know what? We’re going to be buying into this disabling belief, which will cause us to be in a place of limitation at the very best, and most likely a place of unbelief. 

So what would happen if we learned how to manifest the presence of God in our lives on a daily basis?

We’ve got several examples here in Scripture, let me show you out of First Corinthians chapter two and verse four.

the presence of God be found manifested through us

What the apostle Paul said he was coming to the Corinthians here, and he said, my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration. Or we could say, manifestation of the spirit and of power. This is what God has designed for every believer. He wants us to be able to freely give or to freely manifest what He has freely given.

Where can the presence of God be found in the new covenant?

We’re not in an old covenant anymore where we have to go to the temple. We are the temple! That’s why the Apostle Paul said, don’t you know that your body has become the temple of the Holy Spirit? We are the dwelling place of God. We are the place of his presence.


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